Saturday, September 5, 2009

Thing #16-Wiki Wiki!

So this exercise focused on wikis and what they can do for libraries. I thought the most useful application that would work well for libraries is the complication of subject guides by librarians. Most staff have their specialities and this allows them to build content quickly and authoritatively. A reader's advisory wiki page is a great way to incorporate patrons and a great way to help them select books to read. Let's face it...although we would love to have read every book in the library (laugh out loud!) it's simply not possible and this would be a good reader's advisory help. The other application that was very useful was the one for the ALA page. I know I was certainly lost on my first experience to a big conference, so having all that knowledge from other librarians is great! I think wiki can be used as a great tool for libraries, but since it has the ability for anyone to add anything at anytime this does need some oversight!

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